Iman’s magic Baobab Tree
Iman was smart, ambitious, stubborn, kind, caring, with inspirational Sabr (صبر) and Tawakkul (تَوَكُّل), and fiercely loyal to her family, friends, and loved ones. She was a belly dancer extraordinaire, selfie queen with and without all the filters, and banking and finance whizz and mentor. She loved fashion, hair, and makeup. She gave the best hugs and had an amazing sense of humour that came with laughter that I can still hear in my head. She was often the person always going over and beyond, and centering, taking care of, and keeping her friends and family together within different circles and groups – sending all the cat memes, funny videos, Jumah (جمعة) messages; and getting everyone together around elaborate meals that she prepared and served with love.
Iman passed away in 2022, and her death has left a gaping hole in the hearts and lives of her family, friends, loved ones, and colleagues – Innalilahi wa Inna Ilayhi Rajiun. (إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ).
In many ways, Iman was an explorer, passionate about travelling and exploring the world in all its richness. This is her vibrant legacy, and this was the inspiration for this fictional children’s book.
The story was written by Nadia Ahidjo, illustrated by Cee Tayi, and put together with creative guidance and formatting by Molo Global Consulting. Françoise Moudouthe, and Nebila Abdulmelik provided editorial review and recommendations for the text and illustrations. Acknowledging my sister Bintou Ahidjo, who brought Iman into my life, and allowed me to borrow a.k.a steal her friend. Finally, this book is only possible thanks to the support of Nisan Abdulkader and Muna Hussein who provided family photos, stories of Iman, and overall encouragement.
Lala Salama my sister Iman, may your love live on endlessly, may our Duas (دعاء) continue to accompany you in your resting place, and may we meet again in Jannatul Firdaus (جنّات الفردوس).
The book is available for free download below (click on the link/pdf file), and I hope you can join me in sharing her adventure with your children, in your homes, libraries, bookstores, book clubs, and schools. You can print it, save it, and share it in all the ways that work best for you. This book is not intended for sale, so I only ask that you never sell it, always use the story in its complete format, and acknowledge those who poured their energy into making it a reality.